Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Outstanding Results!

I know it's been long overdue for me to post about Team Kaelyn's Kure and the success we had at our first Great Strides walk, but things have been pretty busy over the past month since the walk!

Overall, the South Park walk location raised over $120,000 last month at our walk on May 22nd!  Simply amazing!  What's even more amazing is that Kaelyn's Kure helped to contribute almost $10,000 to that grand total!  It looks like our team total came in at $9,933 - which is so awesome, especially since the average most new team's raise is approximately $1,500 their first year walking with Great Strides.

I feel so blessed to have met so many wonderful people who have reached out to support cystic fibrosis and Kaelyn.  I know as she gets older and realizes what CF is all about, along with the support she's had growing up, she will feel just as blessed that you all have been there for her since the day we found out her diagnosis.  To only be 3 years old and have such a strong support system will mean the world to her in the future.

The best part of the walk last month was seeing all the faces who showed up in their purple Kaelyn's Kure t-shirts to walk with us.  Our team was 85 walkers strong that day, and while most faces were familiar, we also had some new faces join our team - we couldn't be happier in meeting you and having your support!  Another amazing part of the day was seeing some friends whom we hadn't seen in a few years!  All in all, it was just a fantastic day!


To view even more pictures from the 2011 Great Strides walk, follow the link below and if you haven't already viewed and "liked" Kaelyn's page, please do!  We use it to keep everyone up to date on upcoming fundraisers and to help in continuing to spread awareness about cystic fibrosis!

More pictures from Team Kaelyn's Kure - Great Strides 2011:

Thanks again to everyone who, in some way or other, supported CF this year!  And remember, you can continue to support the foundation at any time, there's always fun things going on all throughout the year.
Keep in mind that your help has made you personally responsible for helping improve someone's life!  =)