Three years ago, on this day, I was blessed with the most wonderful addition to my life - Kaelyn Leigh.

At 6lbs, 7oz - 19 1/2 inches long (born 2 weeks early at exactly 38 weeks) I couldn't ask for a more special gift. Today marks Kaelyn's 3rd Birthday, and although it feels like I simply blinked my eyes and suddenly my daughter went from peaceful, innocent newborn to inquisitive, curious 3 year old... I've never forgotten to soak up every moment of change she's gone through as she continues to grow up. From sitting up to crawling, standing to walking, first tooth, first smile, and first word - as a parent you just don't want to miss a minute of the many milestones in your child's life.
Each year that Kaelyn's birthday comes around, Chad and I are reminded of the day we became "mom" and "dad" to someone. Being a parent is a blessing, and while yes, there are the tough moments when you're ready to pull your hair out and not quite sure if you can take another minute of crying, whining, tantrums, and not listening to a word you've said - the rewards most certainly out number the bad days!
I'd be lying if I said that because Kaelyn has CF it doesn't make us cherish special moments in her life even more. And while we don't dwell on the fact that she has CF, it's still a part of her life. We've been very fortunate and blessed for Kaelyn's health. To most, you'd never even know she has health concerns because her health has been that outstanding! It's something we smile about and thank God for every day as we watch her laugh, play and grow up. While today we're celebrating a Happy 3rd Birthday in our home, we also celebrate three happy, healthy years and wish for many more to come!
I have a sister (33) and a niece (19) with CF. Thank you for sharing your storey. ♥